23 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Lines at Sunset

  1. Closeup of the Bay Bridge at sunset from the Embarcadero in San Francisco. You can see the orange light against some of the cables and supports.

  2. Seeing this picture makes me feel more overwhelmed by the omnipresent power of technology than I already do. Often I feel like the lines, the phones, the TV, the computer, the cars, the “everything tech” is blocking my sight and feel of technology. =0(

  3. Great picture it is shots like this where the urban landscape finds beauty. Not in the grand sweeping landscapes but in isolated bits of architecture and art. Thanks for stopping by cyberbones, your comment made me laugh. Happy WW!

  4. Nice shot! actually the sun is my favorite party. we haven’t seen that here in a little while. this makes us feel warm.

    hi Luna! wouldn’t it be fun to climb that bridge?

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