24 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Temporary Normalcy

  1. Our normal is normally crazy. Never boring, that’s fur sure.

    Hay, haff a grate holiday seezun. All the love makes this my favrite time of yeer! Purrs to yoo and yur famly.

  2. Merry Christmas to you all!! I’m so very glad you’re home in time for Santa Claws to come Luna. I’m sure you’re going to get everything on your list! purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs

    PS your house looks soooooooooooooo fun to explore

  3. Happy Holidays!

    It is a very cool pic, and the black & white made it even better.

    If Lun was in the picture, there’ll be 2 of her. That would’ve been great!

  4. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family!!!
    We hope it was pawsome and fun 🙂

    Wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR too!!!!!!!!!!!

    Purrs Mickey,Georgia and Tillie

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